For any topic of study, the goal for honest people is learning the truth. The ideals of science and scholarship are about pursuing the truth. In a world of scarcity and fear, when everything is corrupt, those ideals can seem to be unscalable mountains, but caring and honest people still try. Some topics are trivial and some are the most important on Earth. The biggest issue on Earth right now is solving the energy issue, permanently. Everything else is noise. The technology to permanently solve the energy issue and end the world as we know it is older than I am, but has been sequestered from public awareness and use for reasons of Earthly power, in history’s greatest cover-up. More than 99% of humanity is either ignorant of that situation or reacts to it with denial and fear. I seek the tiny fraction of humanity that loves the truth more than that. They should be enough, if they can be educated and can unite their efforts. I know who I am looking for.
Ed Herman’s life’s work was about showing how the American mainstream media (and all capitalist media) is about brainwashing the public on behalf of elite interests. Ed used a scientific approach with statistical rigor (1, 2), which his critics have never fairly addressed. His work remains unrebutted.
I have long argued that retail politics is worthless for solving the existential problems that we face. As Bucky Fuller said, politicians are stooges of the economic interests. But it became worse in the USA with the murder of John F. Kennedy. In my opinion, the American presidency was permanently demoted with JFK’s murder, and all American presidents since him have been puppets and knew it. The sitting American president is a long ways down the hierarchy of power on Earth. The loud-and-clear message sent by JFK’s murder and cover-up to all succeeding presidents was: “You are expendable.”
I recently wrote two posts, on the energy and medical rackets and how the political left and right have abdicated the quest for the truth in favor of the ideologies that feed them. The right genuflects to the energy racket while the left does the same thing with the medical racket. They both sing the Rockefellers’ tune (1, 2) while thinking that they are challenging the elite.
I have inside information on JFK’s murder that I received from a former policeman, Gary Wean, whose advice was critical for springing my partner from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. Over 35 years of study later, I know of no more spectacular evidence to falsify the official view on the JFK hit than Gary’s testimony. A chapter of his book was devoted to the issue. I have no doubt that Gary recalled the John Tower conversation to the best of his recollection. According to the conversation, Oswald was part of a CIA effort to frame Castro for an assassination attempt of JFK, to justify an invasion of Cuba. While some JFK-hit efforts have given Gary’s testimony a place of prominence, most have not. I have seen various reasons for ignoring or dismissing his testimony, and some efforts have cherry-picked parts of it that suit their pet theories.
The decade after Gary published his book, the Operation Northwoods document was declassified. The Joint Chief’s plan was to stage fake terrorist incidents and frame Castro for them. The CIA’s and Joint Chief’s operations were actually concurrent, although the Joint Chief’s version never got off the drawing board, as far as I know.
In light of the Northwoods document alone, Gary’s testimony should have been the center-of-gravity of all JFK-hit efforts for the past generation. There is nothing remotely close in the JFK-hit canon to a validated insider’s perspective such as Tower’s. The evidence does not get any better than that. Gary was a policeman and investigator. Our lives were ruined by the same people. Whistleblowers such as Gary do not do it to get rich, tell tall tales, etc. Gary was a right-wing version of Ralph McGehee and Rodney Stich. There were not many like them, and they all had hell to pay. I have been called a whistleblower, but I was not on the inside of most situations that I write about, except maybe auditing.
Gary also had important testimony about Jack Ruby, who was a high-ranking mobster, not the two-bit nightclub owner that the Warren Commission portrayed him as. In a recent Israel-did-it book, the author cherry-picked Gary’s Ruby encounters while omitting his John Tower encounter, because it did not align with this theory. The bizarre part of that is that Gary is the originator of the Israel-did-it hypothesis of the JFK hit. Gary, being a professional investigator, tried his hand at solving the crime, but that is theory, while his encounters with Tower and Ruby are evidence. That author who reproduced Gary’s chapter on the JFK hit conflated the two to dismiss it all. That is irrational, to put it kindly.
The standards of science and scholarship can be applied to the JFK hit, as far as what is the best evidence, what is less so, what is speculation, and what is falsified or confirmed. That conspiracist who took me to task on the JFK hit, arguing that it was a big hoax, provided zero evidence for his assertion, which is typical of conspiracists, in my experience. They rarely deal in solid evidence, but instead purvey flimsy evidence, if evidence at all, leavened by crazed and often-paranoid speculation.
This is a huge topic that I cannot do justice to in one post, but coming posts with deal with aspects of this issue.