When I established my forum in 2014, my first post was on the song of scarcity, made the same day that I made my big essay available for the first time. I soon followed it with the song of abundance, and it is really the crux of my work. The germ of those thoughts began when I was 16 and got my first energy dreams. Little did I suspect where they would lead me 50 years later.
As I look back at my early writings, I can see where I was heading, but it took reading Bucky Fuller’s work for the lightbulb to finally go on. Several years later, I wrote an essay on abundance-based paradigms, and I made an epilogue on levels of free-energy awareness. I made the levels off the top of my head in less than an hour, as I had witnessed thousands of reactions to the idea of free energy and abundance by then. Nearly all people react to the idea of free energy and abundance with denial and fear, and it took many years for me to understand why. Scarcity is all that humanity has known, and people have devoted their lives to learning how to survive in a world of scarcity and fear. Free energy and abundance means the end of the world as we know it, and that is what scares them, even though the other side of the transition looks a lot like heaven on Earth. The technology to make it happen is older than I am but is kept under wraps in history’s greatest cover-up.
When I studied for and wrote my big essay, I gained an appreciation for why people reacted like that. The biggest events in the human journey were all energy breakthroughs and became the foundations for the Epochs of the human journey. But nobody ever saw them coming or could even imagine them. The only breakthrough in recorded history was the Industrial Revolution, and it was a century old before anybody realized that it was a revolution. Few people can even imagine what is coming.
What I am doing is unprecedented in the human journey, which is one reason why it is so hard and why I seem to be a lone voice in the wilderness. This journey has been teaching me patience. In future posts, I will describe the kinds of conversations that I am looking to have with the people that I seek. They will be songs of abundance.