Another major reason for the rise of religions is the total lack of knowledge of what really happens to us humans after we "die." Certain people came up with somewhat reasonable sounding ideas of an afterlife, it appealed to many, the originator gained power, the movement grew, then most of the masses were content to go to war to make their new wonderful religion the only one available and covering all people everywhere. This sounds reasonable for the masses to accept, and the leaders are always happy to see more members join in, especially when the leaders also come up with religiously cloaked ways physically to pay their way into an acceptable afterlife. I expect that in the 5th Epoch people everywhere will be aware of the reality of what is reported by all the thousands of Near Death Experiences that are being documented online these days at websites like
I referred to organized religion as one of the dogmatic, scarcity-based ideologies that will end. The end of scarcity is going to open eyes in many ways. Those rackets that end, those ideologies that fade away, will be because they won't make sense anymore, to anybody, and nobody will need to butter their bread with them. Very few are going to try to "save" those ideologies with some kind of tweaking. That NDE repository that you linked to is the best one in the world. But people will probably make psychomanteums more:
OBE experiences will be far more attainable by those who seek them, and children will be taught to meditate. This will be part of that new kind of human that I keep referring to. People will not fear death like they do today. They will know that death is not the end, and not because somebody told them so. They will have a robust foundation for that "belief."
I totally agree. Scarcity is the main theme of all your major rackets, including religion, in which case the main object being discussed with its implied scarcity is life itself. After one dies, one's life ends, but if there is really no scarcity to life then one's life would not end but would go on forever, just as energy can go on forever. No one should ever be afraid of anything is there is an infinite amount of everything imaginable awaiting us in the future.
“Materialism is also a religion, enforced by militant “skeptics” who act similarly to Dominican Inquisitors. “
True enough, I have been subject to those forces regarding the COVID racket.
This said would not a political revolution need to succeed aimed at the overthrow of the established order for these technologies to emerge?
With the West in decline and the rise of the East do you suppose that an economic powerhouse such as China might be covertly developing these technologies.? The stumbling block is not, it appears, technical but rather lack of political will fueled by the various cartels you aptly deconstruct.
Well, if you consider a 5,000 person "choir" and 100,000 "do something" people developing and giving away free energy a "revolution," then yes. But they won't be doing much more than giving away history's most lucrative technology and helping its implementation remain harmless. Not a revolution in terms of engaging in "conflict" with the current order. Free energy will take out its foundation, but nobody will really lose.
I have been hearing about China for many years,. They literally built a city around Brown's Gas:
and ten years ago, they were allegedly building a city to develop free energy, and I met people who were planning to live there. Oh boy, big subject, but I don't put faith in any elites, anywhere on Earth, in helping this happen, or national governments, or corporations, or NGOs. None of them have the right stuff, which is why I am doing this. Maybe Greer will succeed, but I have to take the path that nobody else has traveled that I have seen.
And the "skeptics" chewed on me a bit over the years. They are basically criminals, IMO.
Another major reason for the rise of religions is the total lack of knowledge of what really happens to us humans after we "die." Certain people came up with somewhat reasonable sounding ideas of an afterlife, it appealed to many, the originator gained power, the movement grew, then most of the masses were content to go to war to make their new wonderful religion the only one available and covering all people everywhere. This sounds reasonable for the masses to accept, and the leaders are always happy to see more members join in, especially when the leaders also come up with religiously cloaked ways physically to pay their way into an acceptable afterlife. I expect that in the 5th Epoch people everywhere will be aware of the reality of what is reported by all the thousands of Near Death Experiences that are being documented online these days at websites like
Thanks Bill. In my post this morning:
I referred to organized religion as one of the dogmatic, scarcity-based ideologies that will end. The end of scarcity is going to open eyes in many ways. Those rackets that end, those ideologies that fade away, will be because they won't make sense anymore, to anybody, and nobody will need to butter their bread with them. Very few are going to try to "save" those ideologies with some kind of tweaking. That NDE repository that you linked to is the best one in the world. But people will probably make psychomanteums more:
OBE experiences will be far more attainable by those who seek them, and children will be taught to meditate. This will be part of that new kind of human that I keep referring to. People will not fear death like they do today. They will know that death is not the end, and not because somebody told them so. They will have a robust foundation for that "belief."
I totally agree. Scarcity is the main theme of all your major rackets, including religion, in which case the main object being discussed with its implied scarcity is life itself. After one dies, one's life ends, but if there is really no scarcity to life then one's life would not end but would go on forever, just as energy can go on forever. No one should ever be afraid of anything is there is an infinite amount of everything imaginable awaiting us in the future.
“Materialism is also a religion, enforced by militant “skeptics” who act similarly to Dominican Inquisitors. “
True enough, I have been subject to those forces regarding the COVID racket.
This said would not a political revolution need to succeed aimed at the overthrow of the established order for these technologies to emerge?
With the West in decline and the rise of the East do you suppose that an economic powerhouse such as China might be covertly developing these technologies.? The stumbling block is not, it appears, technical but rather lack of political will fueled by the various cartels you aptly deconstruct.
Well, if you consider a 5,000 person "choir" and 100,000 "do something" people developing and giving away free energy a "revolution," then yes. But they won't be doing much more than giving away history's most lucrative technology and helping its implementation remain harmless. Not a revolution in terms of engaging in "conflict" with the current order. Free energy will take out its foundation, but nobody will really lose.
I have been hearing about China for many years,. They literally built a city around Brown's Gas:
and ten years ago, they were allegedly building a city to develop free energy, and I met people who were planning to live there. Oh boy, big subject, but I don't put faith in any elites, anywhere on Earth, in helping this happen, or national governments, or corporations, or NGOs. None of them have the right stuff, which is why I am doing this. Maybe Greer will succeed, but I have to take the path that nobody else has traveled that I have seen.
And the "skeptics" chewed on me a bit over the years. They are basically criminals, IMO.