I have written about the global rackets, what they have in common, and how they interact. My understanding is that they all interlock at the top of the world’s power structure, which is far above sitting American presidents. They all have scarcity in common, as it is the primary condition that enables their manipulations. They are all rooted in scarcity-based ideologies, and the arrival of abundance would collapse all of them in short order. The energy racket is the kingpin because everything runs off of it.
Once free energy technology makes its public appearance, the energy racket will soon end. I believe that there is a Plan B, to save the rackets, at least temporarily. Instead of something simple such as Sparky Sweet’s solid-state device, which could be easily and cheaply mass-produced, something like Lockheed’s fusion reactor could solve humanity’s energy problems, but at one billion dollars or so a unit, it could save the energy racket and capitalism and also save humanity from a species-and-planet-threatening meltdown. The global elite might see that as a win-win, but even then, the days of their reign will be numbered.
As Bucky Fuller said, if a barrel of oil was priced at the benefit that humanity received from it, it would cost a million dollars a barrel. If everybody had access to a hundred or thousand times as much energy, we would all effectively be billionaires. I have written what the early Fifth Epoch could look like, in which everybody’s needs were met with a minimum of human effort. In that world, money soon becomes meaningless, which would mean the quick end of the banking racket. The others would begin to fall like dominoes.
One thing would become very clear on what I call Day One, which is that free energy and related technologies are anything but new. Efforts like mine would attempt to defuse the immediate public anger, and nothing will do it like abundance will. All wars have always been rooted in economic scarcity, just as all violence has. The idea of war will quickly become nonsensical, even suicidal, and nobody will see the point any longer. The war racket will quickly collapse. The end of nations will quickly be on the table of possibility.
All scarcity-based ideas and social constructs derived from them will be examined and soon understood to be obsolete. The mainstream media’s primary role is to shape the public mind in favor of the elite, just as Ed Herman said. Elites will quickly become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, so the overriding purpose of the media will vanish. No longer will media outlets lie on behalf of the rich and powerful, to keep those “Necessary Illusions” propped up, so that the herd is easily manipulated. All of that indoctrination and conditioning will immediately begin to unravel. The media’s enabling role to the other rackets will end.
The intelligence racket will quickly go the way of the war racket. All of those spook games will soon make no sense. Nobody is going to want to play anymore, especially when the idea of nations becomes obsolete.
The medical racket will also have a quick demise. All people will soon have access to fresh, whole food, and all diseases will begin to fade away. The paradigm shift to end the medical racket is already underway. It is being fought by the medical racket, but the war will quickly be over early in the Fifth Epoch. Medical heretics who have been punished for centuries will soon be seen as prophets. Drug cartels will also quickly end, as only people in misery become drug addicts. There will soon be no market for mind-altering drugs, from nicotine to alcohol to crack to heroin.
There could well be “synergies” in the collapses, as the light of abundance finally dawns and they all go around the same time, especially when the control from the top ends.
The last global racket, organized religion, is a relic of agrarian societies, which have steadily lost their sway in industrial societies. All organized religions, like everything else, are rooted in scarcity and became a means of social control. Materialism is also a religion, enforced by militant “skeptics” who act similarly to Dominican Inquisitors. All of today’s religions will become obsolete. The people whose names that those religions were founded on were often spiritual masters and their mastery will be universally recognized. But the creeds erected in their names will largely vanish, and all that will be left will be love and enlightenment. People in the Fifth Epoch will pursue their self-realization, and that means love and enlightenment above all. Today’s organized religions will be seen as something perhaps appropriate for their times, but they will be discarded, with the best parts preserved.
Some practices, such as war and spook activities, will entirely vanish, while the media and medicine will reach enlightened states far removed from what we see today. Take banking, for instance. There will still be accounting and scorekeeping, but its purpose will be entirely different. They will help insure that everybody’s needs are met.
I understand that in a world of scarcity, the above seems like a Pollyanna view, but when free energy makes its appearance, the above are easily predictable outcomes. I am here to help the people I seek to understand that. As long as the transition is peaceful and harmless, it can take its time. People living today might take some time to adjust to the reality of the end of scarcity, while children born in a world of abundance will accept abundance as normal and their birthright.
“Materialism is also a religion, enforced by militant “skeptics” who act similarly to Dominican Inquisitors. “
True enough, I have been subject to those forces regarding the COVID racket.
This said would not a political revolution need to succeed aimed at the overthrow of the established order for these technologies to emerge?
With the West in decline and the rise of the East do you suppose that an economic powerhouse such as China might be covertly developing these technologies.? The stumbling block is not, it appears, technical but rather lack of political will fueled by the various cartels you aptly deconstruct.
Another major reason for the rise of religions is the total lack of knowledge of what really happens to us humans after we "die." Certain people came up with somewhat reasonable sounding ideas of an afterlife, it appealed to many, the originator gained power, the movement grew, then most of the masses were content to go to war to make their new wonderful religion the only one available and covering all people everywhere. This sounds reasonable for the masses to accept, and the leaders are always happy to see more members join in, especially when the leaders also come up with religiously cloaked ways physically to pay their way into an acceptable afterlife. I expect that in the 5th Epoch people everywhere will be aware of the reality of what is reported by all the thousands of Near Death Experiences that are being documented online these days at websites like https://www.nderf.org/Archives/exceptional.html