Life in the Fifth Epoch - The End of Dogmatic Ideologies
That Tool to Control Human Thought Will End
All of today’s dominant ideologies are social-control mechanisms, as all are based on scarcity and help create and maintain in-group cohesion. They include:
1. Nationalism;
2. Capitalism;
3. Organized religion;
4. Scientism;
5. Materialism;
6. Rationalism.
In a world of abundance, all such ideologies become nonsensical. None of those dominant ideologies began that way, and the seeds of them were all rooted in practical experience, solving problems, and they even had some worthy ideals at first. But in a world of scarcity and fear, all of them became corrupted into serving in-groups at the expense of others.
Nations will end early in the Fifth Epoch, as will capitalism, especially when it becomes clear how capitalism has retarded humanity’s progress. Greed will no longer be a virtue. All organizations today have organizational survival as their primary objective, including organized religions. That objective corrupts even the most idealistic organizations, as disillusioned idealists know well.
The first three are obvious in how they elevate one group at the expense of others, while the last three are subtler. Scientism, materialism, and rationalism are all religions of the Industrial Epoch and are all related. The Scientific Revolution had a fitful beginning and the scientific enterprise labors under great limitations today. Scientism elevates a useful process into an object of worship. I had it unequivocally demonstrated to me at age 16 that materialism is a religion erected on a false foundation. Rationalism is a close cousin that denies that anything but rational thought is important. That triune faith has justified a host of evils such as animal experiments, and nuclear weapons must be laid at science’s door. The day that free energy, antigravity, and other sequestered technologies are unveiled for public awareness and use, today’s scientific establishment will crumble. What will replace it will be vastly more enlightened, and that goes for all human endeavors today. The world will end as we know it, and nobody will miss it.
Ideas are a fine thing, but in the Fifth Epoch, the reasons for dogmatic adherence to them will vanish, as humanity becomes a truly sentient species and a new kind of human arrives.
Hey Wade, good to see you over here. I follow you on Avalon as well.