
You wrote "And I mean the real global elite, not the retail elite, whose names are public knowledge – the public does not know the names of the people who really run the world."

I would like to use this as only one example of your statemeng that the public does not know the names of the people who really run the world. For example, take the COVIDS crisis and the medical racket. We all know, or at least should know by now, the two names Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci. Gates is a multi-billionaire with undoubtedly hundreds of millions of $$ invested in his particular anti-COVID vaccine which gives him royalties every time any single person takes the injection. Anthony Fauci is a now-retired government employee of high rank who was given undoubtedly tens of millions of $$ in royalties while holding two high-level management positions in very different government agencies with different agenda but with much the same technical information involved in both agencies (communicable diseases for the National Institutes of Health and gain-of-function research into lethal viruses for the Department of Defense) for the many drugs he approved and thus inflicted on the public. We know these two names and all the names of all the CEOs of all the businesses that produce vaccines. Their names can be found online with a modicum of Google Advanced Searching by entering the name of one drug business and also a few keywords like "CEO CIO CFO", etc. If these men (and almost all the top managers are men) do not run the medicine racket, then who does? I am not asking for any specific names, but just a general description of what they do, how they fit in, how they control this one racket without being publicly listed in Wall Street annual reports, etc. Or you could pick any of the other six massive rackets and explain some details about the kind of men above the CEO level in each racket - just a generic description and no specific names.

One way I can think of is the plethora of international organizations that meet periodically in which various experts give presentations to all of the carefully selected members in which they learn of current problems, possible solutions, etc. Some of these organizations are (or were) the World Economic Forum, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, and the group that always meets in a small village in Switzerland once a year whose name I cannot remember now but its main membership requirement seems to be that you must have a new worth of at least several billion $$ and several thousand people always attend that one.

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Thanks Bill. I have written what my understanding of the hierarchy is:


Gates is seven levels down, and Fauci is one level lower, at least in my conception. I fully admit how crazy that might seem, but when we encountered the global elite, they worked through intermediaries, such as nondescript businessmen, the CIA, and the like. Several people in my close circles have interacted with the global elite and their pawns. Some of them are dead now, and I could name names of some of the people around me involved with those activities, and the context would make a lot of sense. Ed Mitchell discussed it a little:


Of those who encountered them and are still public figures, you probably can't beat Steven Greer, who had plenty of encounters with them, and almost did not survive the experience:


Greer has stated that even in his circles, they have no idea who the vast majority of the global controlling group is. Let me give you a glimpse of that world. One of the arms of the global elite is running drugs, and I mean the "best" drugs on Earth, and my guess is that very "best" ones are completely unknown to the public. They actually run their drugs right through the world's infrastructure, of airports and the like. That operation has a staff of 8,000 people. Of those 8,000, about 2,000 of them made generally innocuous violations of the operation's security protocols, and the penalty was a swift death. With security procedures like that, it is easy to understand how they maintain their invisibility.

Another example is my close friend's underground technology show. His "invitation" was to be kidnapped:


The people who put on that show I believe were members of a dissident group of the global elite, who do not want to live in underground or off-world survival enclaves if we make Earth uninhabitable. They risked their lives to put on that show, and I have purposefully not wanted to know much about it. That they showed off free energy and antigravity technology was enough for me. Just give me that, and I'll give you the Fifth Epoch. :)

I have heard that some of the agents of the global elite are known public figures, but the public does not know the roles that they play. Greer said that Cheney and Rumsfeld had interacted with the global elite, but they were not brought into the inside.

Greer was mentored by Laurance Rockefeller, so I can appreciate some skepticism of Greer's claims, but Greer also said that he could see that the Rockefellers had handlers, surely working for higher levels of the global elite.

I have encountered many tales over the years, some from reading, but the most powerful accounts are those that I heard from my circle, generally firsthand or secondhand.

The bottom line is that CEOs and sitting presidents are out of the loop on what happens at the global elite level. Some aerospace companies such as Boeing and Lockheed are kind of gateways to the global elite, but in clandestine departments. At one of Greer's gatherings he explained how it worked, and at the gathering was a former CEO of an aerospace company engaged in that activity, and the CEO had no idea what was happening at his own company.

Those at the top exercise their power and control in highly sophisticated ways. There are no paper trails. People only find out about this stuff if they do stuff like try to bring disruptive technology to market or otherwise threaten the global rackets. Even then when they get wiped out, it is done so subtly that they usually do not even know that they were targeted and neutralized, if they even survived the experience. The global cabal used to be far more violent. The cabal is also fractured, hence my pal's underground show. Greer says that most of them today want free energy to come out, as the alternative may well be an uninhabitable planet.

Maybe I'll write more later. It is a big subject.

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I just read, or more likely re-read, your post #1186. That one definitely satisfies my need to know. I'll keep my head down much longer from now on.

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Happy reading. My post this morning also addresses an aspect of this:


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I will write a little more on this tonight. Over 30 years ago, a faction of the global elite told Greer that they had paid out $100 billion in quiet money to 10,000 people, which works out to an average of $10 million each, which was the amount of our original friendly buyout offer. The numbers make sense to me. As Greer said, that is a rounding error for the game they are playing. The global banks are one the global cartels, and they can create money out of the thin air. The global elite also get plenty of Black Budget money. But money is only an accounting fiction. Free energy and antigravity are quintilllion-dollar technologies. They have underground and apparently off-world enclaves. Nothing would surprise me about their financial wherewithal, military might, and so on, and their ability to remain fairly incognito. There is a great deal of disinformation about them, too, so I try to keep to what my close circles are aware of.

I really don't like thinking about them much, and try to ignore them. They helped ruin my life, but I do not wish them harm. People who play those games do not understand the true nature of power, which comes from within, not what they seem to get by manipulating their pawns, and they have some heavy karma to bear. Even they will be redeemed in the end, as all roads lead home to the godhead.

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