No Organization on Earth is Fit for the Task of Bringing Free Energy to the World
What I Learned over the Years on that Subject
A commenter raised the issue of whether a revolution is needed to bring free energy to the world. I want to expand on my reply. Ever since I first heard of free energy in 1986, I have been a student of the free-energy issue and how to make it happen. Several months after first hearing about free energy, I became a partner in an effort to make it happen, and we got handed our heads. Lives were ruined and shortened, and the reasons why I survived and kept going were my youth and idealism. The people who run the world were involved from the beginning of our effort, and were likely involved in what happened in Seattle, when our previous company was wiped out. I had inklings of organized suppression as a teenager, so that we encountered organized suppression was not my big surprise. My biggest surprise was how almost nobody had the right stuff. That is by far the most important reason for why we do not live in the Fifth Epoch today, not organized suppression. The situation is 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity (and arguably 99.999%).
The word “revolution” can be a loaded one, and I have seen arguments over the years over it, such as whether the Industrial Revolution was really a revolution. As I have noted, the Industrial Revolution was a century old before anybody realized that it was a revolution. So, the people carrying forth the Industrial Revolution, which is the most dramatic transformation in the human journey, were not “revolutionaries” in the sense of those who participated in the American, French, or Russian revolutions. All that all such revolutionaries did was reshuffle the deck of scarcity in their favor, and violently. American foreign policy is the greatest force of evil on Earth, so it was a very dubious revolution.
In my experience, all political revolutionaries have been spiritual and ethical children, driven by base instincts. George Washington is one of history’s most successful criminals, and my home state is named after him.
The arrival of the Fifth Epoch will be orders of magnitude greater than the transformations of the Industrial Revolution, and is not amenable to the ministrations of angry and delusional Young Warriors, the greedy, etc. I participated in five mass movement efforts before I was finally cured of that approach. Mass movements all cater to lowest-common-denominator tactics to form social cohesion, and it is always a flavor of self-interest. That self-interestedness is always what dooms such efforts. It always arises from the victim mentality, my effort needs people who think like creators, and creators create with love.
I am trying out the love and enlightenment path to free energy, which has never been attempted before. The technical project of bringing free energy to the world is not daunting, but it can’t be done in garages. All that I need is 5,000 people with the right stuff who do the work, and my efforts since 1996 have been intended to reduce the intellectual lift involved. If a “choir” like that can be amassed, the rest will be easy. I know who I am looking for.
It used to amaze me at how nobody could really understand what I was doing, and what I eventually realized was that they were all addicted to their scarcity-based frames of reference. We are not going to get to abundance through the mentality of scarcity, and that especially includes the mentality behind all political revolutions that I ever heard of. I don’t want to quibble over the word “revolution,” but a “revolution” like this I can get with.