Sam Husseini, Jimmy Carter, and Recent Events
Sometimes I need to write about current events, and this is one of those times.
I do not plan to do this often, but sometimes current events are noteworthy enough so that I need to write about them. First off is Sam Husseini. Sam’s go-to news site is Uncensored News, and it had a great article on Sam’s State Department incident. I watched Sam’s interviews on Kim Iverson’s, Katie Halper’s, and Glenn Greenwald’s shows. Sam was not expecting to be dragged out of the State Department’s briefing room. He was dragged out of a press conference in Helsinki, but to have it happen in the USA was a new experience for Sam, and he was injured by his treatment.
Sam repeatedly stressed that he is doing journalism as was provided for by the First Amendment, in which the government should be held to account by the press. Adversarial journalism is a sign of a healthy democratic system. Government officials should rarely be trusted, and for most, it should be assumed that they are lying, especially high-ranking officials.
Sam’s treatment was bad enough, but almost as newsworthy was CNN’s disgraceful attempt to justify Sam’s treatment. Sam is not even a journalist in CNN’s eyes, but an anonymous “protestor,” and Sam’s actions were “cringeworthy.” CNN was involved with investigative journalism until 1998, when it fired its reporters over their accurate reporting of American nerve-gas atrocities in Indochina, and CNN paid out millions in settlements to those reporters. By the next year, CNN had devolved into an imperial-propaganda vehicle in the former Yugoslavia, as it covered for the USA’s criminal behaviors and atrocities. It has never gotten any better at CNN.
I was pleasantly surprised that Newsweek produced Sam’s questions for the State Department. Sam’s State Department interactions have gone viral across the Internet in recent years, and outside the USA, this latest incident made global news (1, 2, 3, 4).
One irony of Sam’s (and Max Blumenthal’s) treatment was that what Blinken was crowing about was fraudulent. As Consortium News reported, the Gaza ceasefire deal was Trump’s doing, not Biden and Blinken’s. Sam does not expect it to get any better under Trump. Kim Iverson said, in light of her personal connections to Trump, that he does not want to deal with war. He is a businessman with other priorities. We’ll see what happens.
Back in 2023, Sam wrote about how Jimmy Carter repeatedly lied to him. I wrote about Carter after he died, and noted his curious “human rights” record, as he presided over the violent deaths of millions. Carter came out of nowhere to win the presidency, but it was not exactly a populist groundswell. He was handpicked by David Rockefeller, and Decensored News had an excellent article on Carter’s Trilateral Commission pedigree and how Trilateralists dominated his administration.
As I often write (1, 2), the world’s officials do not make the important decisions on Earth, the existential ones that can determine humanity’s fate. The real decision-makers are unknown to the public as they run the world economy. We barely survived our encounters with them and their minions, and some of us had their lives shortened. But journalism such as Sam’s is still vitally important and can help awaken the wakeable. It might be time to buckle up for what is coming.
So ‘Peanuts’ was a member of the TLC (and I don’t mean Tender Loving Care). Presided over the big humiliation of the USA in the Iranian Hostage Crisis by the Mullahs. Knew there was something ‘off’ about the Carter Administration at the time.
I saw this on Facebook today. Have you seen this before.