As I have written plenty, if not for my radicalizing days with Dennis Lee, as we pursued free energy, I would likely not have much worth saying. My days of study have been illuminating, but my lifetime’s learning curve was largely complete by age 30, culminating in my day the witness stand. Everything since then has been the small stuff.
As I hit the books, what immediately struck me were the egocentric conceits that I was raised with, as part of my in-group indoctrination and conditioning. It was lies, from beginning to end. For a time, I had indignation at the depth of the lies that I was taught, which is common with the newly awakened. But over the long years of study, as I realized that what I had been subjected to was normal, I became more sympathetic to people’s inability to even imagine anything beyond their immediate self-interest, much less a coming Epoch. It has always been this way. I eventually realized that Americans are not so exceptional, nor are humans.
Deception has been employed for at least hundreds of millions of years, in the dance of predators and prey. Ambush predation relies on deception, as the prey does not realize that its end is near. Crocodilians have relied on ambushes for hundreds of millions of years, generally at the edge of bodies of water. Camouflage is a standard tactic for both predators and prey. Chimps ambush their neighbors as they wipe out adjacent societies, and they engage in deceptive rear-guard tactics, just like in human warfare. Today, feminists see today’s trans craze as a rear-guard action on women, as a patriarchal attempt to eliminate the idea of women altogether, and I think that they are right.
The human line comprises the first primates to sleep on the ground, which made people vulnerable to the dawn raid. Catching their neighbors sleeping, so that they could be easily slaughtered, was a specialty of hunter-gatherer societies.
Elites are as old as civilization, and while the earliest ones established their positions violently, they soon relied on various deceptions, such as claiming divine status or sanction, abetted by a corrupt priesthood. While I have studied a great deal of world history, I know my nation the best, and the deceptions employed by Anglo-American elites were rampant from the beginning. The Spanish specialized in surprise attacks on their hosts during their conquest of what became Latin America, and the English were no better. In 1623, in a celebrated feat, the English poisoned the wine at a peace conference, which killed hundreds of Indians.
George Washington, the “father of our country,” was the chief architect of history’s greatest swindle, as he proposed to steal Indian land with fraudulent treaties, and Wikipedia will likely never even mention it. That genocidal duplicity set the standard for American foreign policy to this day.
In 1845, the USA continued its theft of half of Mexico, after stealing Texas the decade before. I heard the tales of glory as a Texas schoolboy, as Sam Houston’s forces slaughtered a thousand sleeping Mexican soldiers in minutes in a dawn raid. There is a Stalin-style monument to commemorate the feat, which I visited as a child. The 1845 offensive began by marching an army into Mexico to “start something,” and that was an easy war of theft from Mexico. It foreshadowed Hitler’s gambit to justify invading Poland. Anglo-American actions in North America inspired Hitler’s plans for Eastern Europe.
But those were murders of out-groups. What about sacrificing Americans for American foreign-policy goals? The week before the Pearl Harbor attack, the headline in Hilo’s newspaper stated that a Japanese attack was likely on the very weekend that the Japanese attacked. How on Earth could the Japanese attack have been a surprise to Roosevelt? Japan was goaded into the attack, which followed a playbook that was written by a White House military advisor the year before. Were those American sailors sacrificed at Pearl Harbor (which the USA stole less than 50 years earlier), to goad the American people into supporting the war?
Zbigniew Brzezinski bragged that the USA baited the Soviet Union into invading Afghanistan, to give the Soviets their “Vietnam.” Osama bin Laden had been an American foreign-policy asset for a generation when the 9/11 terror attacks happened, which was an excuse for an imperial rampage. I heard from a credible source that the plan for 9/11 was seen on Dick Cheney’s desk.
The USA’s “negotiations” in Yugoslavia a couple of years earlier were openly fraudulent, just as the USA’s were in the first Gulf War, but the American media just couldn’t seem to see it. The WMD rationale for invading Iraq was fraudulent from the beginning, only fooling those who wanted to be fooled.
People don’t need to be conspiracists to see the obvious, but the media and historians go into overdrive to deny, explain away, or minimize those situations. These kinds of stratagems are nothing new. As Noam Chomsky has often stated, Americans are not so exceptional.
JFK was killed in a backfired CIA operation, murdered in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it was all covered up. Jonestown was likely a CIA operation, as MKUltra got offshored after it was exposed (not much different from GITMO and outsourcing torture during the “war on terror”).
The ET issue is a three-ring circus of wild speculation and delusions. Ed Mitchell said that creating that environment was intentional, to purposefully muddy the waters, and wild-eyed conspiracists have unwittingly assisted the cover-up.
Conspiracists can have a field day with American events, for good reason. But that is not enough for many of them, as they argue that the Moon landings were faked, that JFK was not really shot, that the Boston Marathon bombings were not real, nor the Sandy Hook shootings, and they never provide a shred of credible evidence for their contentions. Nearly every time that a big American mass shooting happens, conspiracists call it a “false flag” within hours.
Because conspiracies by their very nature do not leave paper trails, scholars such as Chomsky do not have internal documents to study. Noam erred badly in writing a book in which he argued that the CIA would not have had any motivation to murder JFK. This is part of the problem for conspiratorial topics. On the right, conspiracies explain everything, as people deny their responsibility and complicity in the events, and on the left, they deny almost any conspiracy. I doubt that Americans are uniquely crazed on these subjects.
I lived through the biggest cover-up in history, and conspiracists deny that it even exists. Brian O’Leary wisely noted how we all contribute to this issue.
We’ll see if Trump changes anything, but the war in Ukraine was manufactured by the American government, as the neocons have goaded Russia toward nuclear war. JFK’s greatest accomplishment was avoiding a nuclear war. If Trump can defuse the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East (and deescalate the situation with China), those will be his greatest accomplishments. After avoiding nuclear war, the rest is trivial.