The False Theoretical Foundations of the Medical and Energy Rackets
They alone among the global rackets have alleged scientific bases, and they are false.
Of the seven global cartels that control the world economy, only the medical and energy rackets have so-called scientific foundations. My previous post highlighted some of the worthless medical interventions. They are all based on corrupt science. Biomedical science is considered the flimsiest and most corrupt branch of science, even by the defenders of science. The corruption is largely structural, like the suppression of free energy is largely structural. The paradigm of Western medicine is based on male warfare ideology, so Western medicine is dominated by violent interventions. Medicine in the Fifth Epoch will look nothing like today’s version of it, which is barbaric and primitive.
Medical-racket conditioning is similar to how children are brainwashed into their nationalistic ideologies, and I know my nation the best. The first comment on my Substack writings was from a scientist who invoked the “laws of physics” to declare free energy impossible. He was closely followed by an arrogant and insulting free-energy inventor. They represent two poles of the free-energy issue.
The principles behind the technologies that my friend was shown in his underground demonstration turn today’s physics textbooks into doorstops. Physics in the Fifth Epoch will bear only a faint resemblance to today’s version of it. I have encountered around a dozen alternative physics models over the years, and their primary upshot is almost always free energy. They can’t all be right, and all of them will likely be seen as attempts to break out of the straightjacket of orthodox physics, and none of them will be completely valid.
My guess is that the strange nonsensicality of quantum physics is only a hint of how odd the new physics will be, compared to today’s orthodox theories. Today’s physicists will be “devastated” by the new revelations, similar to what the Brookings Institute warned about regarding public acknowledgement of intelligent extraterrestrial life. But all of the rackets have their indoctrinated cogs in the machines that will be “devastated” when it is finally acknowledged that the emperor is stark naked and the theoretical foundations of the rackets crumble.
But when the Fifth Epoch dawns and all of the rackets quickly disintegrate along with their dogmatic ideologies, nobody is really going to mind all that much, as we will all be swimming in abundance. Rackets will no longer make sense.