To be clear, RFK, Jr.’s stance on Israel is terrible and makes me really wonder about him, like I wonder about all politicians. That said, Trump’s nomination of RFK, Jr., for the health cabinet position has been ruffling the media’s feathers. RFK, Jr., will be Big Pharma’s worst nightmare, and the media and many politicians have been in Big Pharma’s hip pocket for generations. I will be surprised if Kennedy is confirmed by the Senate for the job.
I first wrote about fluoridation in 1998 and made a recent Substack post on RFK Jr.’s nomination and the medical racket. In the barrage of media propaganda on fluoride with Trump’s nomination of RFK, Jr., I did not see one mention of fluoridation’s sordid history. No mention was made that all of the early promoters of fluoride were influenced by or worked directly for fluoride polluters, especially the man who picked the fluoride level to put in the USA’s water supply: Harold Hodge. Hodge was America’s Mengele, who secretly injected patients with plutonium without their knowledge, as part of Hodge’s secret duties for the Manhattan Project. When Hodge was not being a fluoride propagandist, he advocated that for potentially toxic food additives, they should be added at a level of no more than 1% of the toxic level. For fluoride, Hodge recommended 50% of the toxic level. Not only that, there is a great deal of evidence of harm at below the official toxic level, which includes the level put in the American water supply today. Fluoride never has been and never will be safe to ingest, no matter what alleged positive effects that it may have on the teeth (which are extremely dubious).
In light of RFK, Jr.’s nomination, I have seen the media constantly refer to him as an
“anti-vaxxer” and “vaccine skeptic,” without ever once actually discussing his position on vaccines. So, vaccines deserve their own post.
When I first wrote my medical racket essay around the year 2000, a significant focus was Louis Pasteur. Pasteur is one of the heroic icons of Western medicine, but my studies showed me that, just like my studies of the heroes of American history, there was far more image than substance to Pasteur. He was a scoundrel who sought wealth and fame above all else, and his vaunted germ theory of disease seems to have been a poorly understood plagiarism of a rival. My focus in my original medical racket essay was more on degenerative disease than infectious disease, but I briefly covered the history of vaccination. In 2015, I began writing blog posts on vaccination, and little did I know how big the issue would soon become. I have read several books on vaccination in the past decade, generally by dissident MDs and scientists (1, 2), but my big wakeup call on the infectious-disease racket was Kennedy’s masterpiece, and I began calling the reign of Anthony Fauci “Medical Racket, Version 2.0.”
As with fluoridation, I want to briefly discuss what the media won’t regarding vaccination, as it once again serves as a medical-racket mouthpiece. For starters, the germ theory of disease is likely flawed, and maybe greatly so. I am not in the “there is no such thing as a virus” camp, but infectious disease likely has more to do with the immune system than it does disease organisms. It is indisputable that the conquest of infectious disease in the West had everything to do with improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene, which were side effects of the Industrial Revolution. The primary upshot of those changes was the elimination of childhood death, which is the biggest event in the human journey so far. Instead of the death of half of the children, now almost none die, and medical interventions had almost nothing to do with it. The death rates from infectious diseases vanished long before there were vaccines and antibiotics for them. As an example, England’s death rate for measles declined by 99.96% in England before the measles vaccine was introduced.
The only vaccine for which a case could be made for its effectiveness was the smallpox vaccine, which began with Jenner. However, there is no credible evidence that the smallpox vaccine vanquished smallpox. In fact, in England, mandatory-vaccine campaigns for smallpox were immediately followed by smallpox epidemics. Smallpox deaths in England declined when people began refusing to be vaccinated, and smallpox disappeared when the other infectious diseases did, before there were ever medical interventions for them. This is well-known and not really controversial, except with vaccine propagandists, all of whom make big money by promoting vaccines, such as Paul Offit and Peter Hotez, who are always the media’s authorities on vaccines. It is like asking a barber if we need haircuts. The conflicts of interest are surreal and are never even mentioned by the media.
The mantra for all Western medical inventions is safe and effective. While the effectiveness of vaccines is largely an illusion, the safety of them is never even addressed, which is the greatest crime, by far, and is the root of Kennedy’s vaccine “skepticism.” As a book published in 2019, before the COVID pandemic, made very clear, there has never been credible safely testing for any vaccine given to American children today. The gold standard for testing any medical procedure is to compare populations that received the intervention against those that didn’t. A harmless placebo in a double-blind setting is how drugs are ideally tested, as well as with vaccines, but not one of the vaccines given to American children today has been subjected to that test. That is not an oversight, but is purposeful. The era of pincushioning American children with vaccines began after vaccine makers were given legal immunity from vaccine injuries in 1986. The Mafia never had a sweeter deal. “Coincidentally,” this era of mandatory vaccines has been accompanied by skyrocketing chronic conditions in American children, which affects more than half of them today. Kennedy also recently co-authored a book on the results of his scouring the medical literature on inadvertent comparisons of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, and the findings were no surprise: skyrocketing chronic conditions.
Kennedy’s first act, if he gets that cabinet position, will likely make public the medical bureaucracy’s secret data on vaccine injuries. It is sure to be a huge scandal, but I expect the medical bureaucracy to fight it tooth and nail, on behalf of its Big Pharma patrons. As I see it, vaccines are just one more lucrative, worthless, and deadly Western medical intervention.
What people such as Bill Gates have done in Africa, with their vaccine campaigns, has been genocidal. If Kennedy is confirmed, I expect that investigations into those issues will be among his first orders of business.