A Short Course in Comprehensive Thinking – Part 6: The Scientific (or Unscientific) Roots of Western Medicine
It is a great conceit to think that today’s medical practices are founded on impartial scientific findings. Nothing could be further from the truth.
For nearly all current subjects that I write about, I had experience first and study later. I cannot overemphasize the value of experience. My relationship to the medical racket began at age 12, when our family changed its diet to whole food to save my father’s health, which resulted in a health miracle, which orthodox medicine said at the time was “impossible,” and the book that inspired us was banned in the next decade.
What was impossible then is routine today, and that banned advice is orthodox medicine’s first line of defense today. After many years of idealism and disillusionment, which culminated in my day on the witness stand, I would never see the world the same way again. The month after that life-changing moment, I got a job at a medical lab and watched the medical racket in action right after getting the lesson of my life by the energy racket.
The next year, when I hit the books, studying thermodynamics and the media, among other subjects, I also began encountering not only many alternative medical treatments but also their organized suppression, which was similar to what I experienced in the free-energy field. There were three works that really stood out in my early days of medical study in 1990:
1. A book about Gaston Naessens;
2. A book about Royal Rife;
3. Ralph Hovnanian’s Medical Dark Ages.
While the treatments that Naessens and Rife devised, which cured cancer among other diseases, were brilliant and inspiring, it was striking that they both developed microscopes that achieved resolutions that orthodox optical theory says are
“impossible,” which led to their novel treatments. There are surviving images from Rife’s microscope that show that it got those “impossible” resolutions. I recently wrote about the “craziness” of quantum theory, which we cannot wrap our minds around. Those “impossible” optical resolutions show that there is plenty more to learn about quantum theory.
In Forrest Maready’s masterpiece on polio, I was pleasantly surprised to see that as early as 1916 scientists were beating a path to Rife’s door, to use his microscopes that could see things that no other microscope on Earth could. Rife’s microscopes were widely recognized as the best on Earth a century ago, before Morris Fishbein and friends wiped him out.
Sparky Sweet’s free-energy device similarly defied the “laws of physics,” before he was wiped out (Sweet and Rife were wiped out in Southern California, as my efforts were). What my friend was shown in his underground technology show makes today’s orthodox physics resemble cave drawings. Microscopes with “impossible” resolutions just come with the scenery on the fringes, and even today, scientists call those microscopes “impossible,” just like they call free energy “impossible.”
In those days, I realized that not only was the media a propaganda machine, but the history that I was taught was also a pack of lies, as mass-murdering thieves were presented to me as heroes and saints. I began historical studies that have not ended, to see what kind of truths I might find, and I began studying the history of medicine.
It turned out that Rife and Naessens had a professional grandfather that they did not initially know about: Antoine Béchamp, who was a contemporary of Louis Pasteur’s. I studied quite a bit of those days, and Pasteur clearly came across as a scoundrel who sought riches and fame above all else. His vaunted germ theory of disease seems to be a shabby plagiarism of Béchamp’s work, and Béchamp made the case that Pasteur plagiarized him several times. Pasteur was the first great commercializer of vaccines, and they were often catastrophes. The entire concept of vaccination seems dubious. Today’s germ theory of disease is likely flawed, perhaps in the extreme.
What became clear in my studies is that entire lines of inquiry were wiped out by the medical racket. Orthodox medicine’s conceptions of health and disease seem deeply flawed if not fraudulent, and even among the defenders of science, biomedical science is seen as science’s flimsiest and most corrupt branch. But I think that it has always been that way. This is not something new, but goes back centuries, and it really got bad when the robber barons got involved, and Bill Gates is just the latest entrant in that long line.
Today, how vaccines actually work are trade secrets. It is just like the snake-oil days of proprietary medicine. Truly, nothing has fundamentally changed since the 1800s. When I saw the mainstream media and those around me worship the “science” that Anthony Fauci claimed to represent (Fauci claimed to be science), I just shook my head. I have written about the march of the lemmings since the 1990s, and what we saw during the pandemic was just more of the same.
I do not expect that much, if any, of today’s Western medicine, especially for degenerative and infectious disease, will survive for long in the Fifth Epoch. Biomedical science will be freed from the capitalist straightjacket that it is in today, which will completely overturn today’s orthodox notions of health and disease. In the Fifth Epoch, everybody will live to be 100 and will be healthy the entire way, and medical interventions will play little role, if any, in that change. Nearly all drugs and surgeries will go into the dustbin of history, as relics of our barbarous times.