I have summarized Brian O’Leary’s Suppression Syndrome before:
1. The scientists themselves – when new discoveries or inventions threaten their paradigms;
2. Industrial suppression – as industries protect their turf from disruptive innovation;
3. Governmental secrecy – spooks and black-budget operations orchestrated the UFO/ET, free-energy, and other cover-ups, which made the Iran-Contra Scandal seem like a kindergarten exercise;
4. The aliens – who seem to want the secrecy, so that they can operate freely with abductions and human experiments;
5. The media – which abrogated its duty to report the truth;
6. Ourselves – which Brian called the biggest factor, as humanity seemingly does not want free energy and abundance, but wants to perpetuate this nightmare of scarcity and fear, and humanity does it largely unconsciously.
Brian wrote that the syndrome applied to free energy, parapsychology, and medicine. The energy and medical rackets are the two global rackets that I know best, but the sociology of all of them is similar. Everybody drinks the Kool-Aid, and dissent often means the end of one’s career.
I want to provide some examples of what Brian wrote about. As far as the scientists themselves, when Brian played the Paul Revere of Free Energy, he rode. He had access to the tops of the world’s scientific, academic, and “progressive” organizations. When we had our epic note-trading session, five years after he began his ride, I was interested in how it went. He had access that I never will. He then gave me a brief litany of the crazed reactions of denial and fear that he received, and ended with the question of whether we are a sentient species. I sadly understood. On the parapsychology front, Brian wrote of his Nobel-laureate colleagues at Princeton who sipped their sherry and ridiculed reports of the paranormal. Brian smugly sipped his sherry with them, as they all played priestly Authorities of Reality, until Brian had a remote viewing experience in 1979 in a human-potential class. Brian could no longer sip the sherry and soon left academia. On the medical front, Brian had his skin cancer cured with an alternative treatment, and had an instant psychic healing of his knee. The FDA kidnapped his skin-cancer healer from Ecuador and put him into an American prison, as an example of the long arm of the American medical racket. I don’t know what Brian’s encounters were with closed-minded MDs and medical scientists, but I have seen and heard of plenty of it. It was never more apparent than with the COVID pandemic, as MDs watched their vaccines and treatments kill people, but even then, few realized what was happening or really cared all that much. So, a great burden of responsibility falls at the feet of scientists. Brian once informed me that today’s scientists were more closed-minded than those who ignored and ridiculed the Wright brothers for five years after they first flew.
Even though the scientists themselves might largely be oblivious to the organized suppression that they nominally benefit from, as the rackets roll along, not everybody is so ignorant, and at the tops of the rackets are people who know exactly what they are doing. But even then, most who do the suppressing in industry and government are not very aware of the consequences of their actions. Many earnestly believe that they are keeping their societies safe from quacks, cranks, and criminals, no matter how much blood of the innocents gets on their hands. Others don’t care how much innocent blood is shed, as long as they are paid well, and the psychopaths among them get psychic income from shedding the blood of the innocent. Most people probably need to see it to believe it. I had to.
Government secrecy is a big part of the free-energy and ET cover-ups. Today I was watching Greer’s witnesses from the top-secret world, which inspired my previous post. They discussed compartmentalization, but they still saw things that they were not supposed to, partly because their colleagues could not stay silent, as they studied photos of UFOs and artificial structures on the far side of the Moon. I have relatives in the classified world, and we have discussed who makes it in that milieu and who doesn’t. Those who last keep their heads down, do as they are told, and ask no questions. Those who question or push the envelope of the secrecy procedures do not last long. JFK was murdered by his own government, probably over the ET issue, and it was all covered up, as one example of many of how the government covers things up.
The ET issue is an odd one, and I have heard various reasons. On the positive side, there apparently really is something like Star Trek’s Prime Directive of non-interference with primitive cultures such as ours, which prevents the enlightened ones from directly intervening. They seem to have interacted with my mind during one encounter. On the negative side, as Brian noted, the not-so-nice ones get free reign, because of the secrecy, for their dark games. Both could be true; they are not mutually exclusive, and I have seen the same rationale for interventions from the higher planes of existence. The enlightened ones know that we are here to learn our lessons, while the dark pathers do not want to contest for dominance with evil-minded beings in physical reality. So both poles of spiritual evolution largely leave us alone.
I don’t need to discuss the media much, do I? I got both barrels of the media’s lies during my days with Dennis Lee and also saw it with the medical racket before I ever heard of Ed Herman. On these subjects, the media is an enabler of the rackets, and they can make it up as they go (1).
Brian’s last category was ourselves, as we seem to want scarcity and fear over abundance and love. Brian said that humanity does this largely unconsciously. Brian called this the most important factor, and I agree. It is also the factor that can be the hardest to understand. I can get into mystical reasons for this, such as most souls on Earth have chosen to sleepwalk through their lifetimes. But I can also discuss mundane reasons for this, as people are addicted to the ideological frameworks that feed them and ensure their in-group status, which are all based on scarcity. So abundance is outside of their universe of the possible, and they react in denial and fear when even hearing about free energy and abundance. I had to witness those reactions many times before I began to understand it. Not all is lost, but only a tiny fraction of humanity is fit for the task of bringing free energy and abundance to humanity, and I know who I am looking for. That tiny fraction will be enough, if they can be trained and combine their efforts, which is what my work is all about.
Brian left out the global elite, but maybe he thought of them as industrial kingpins, which they are. Brian’s summary was the first short summary that I ever saw of this issue, was one reason why I became his biggest fan, and it has aged quite well since 1996. Oh, how I miss Brian.