If Dennis’s efforts with his heat pump had not been wiped out so many times, by his business associates, mobsters, and then the electric interests in Washington State, there would have been an industry built around that heat pump, the USA would have been carpeted by them, the USA would have reduced its energy expended for heating by more than half, and that technology would have gone global. It would have been the biggest event in energy conservation ever. It is still the world’s best heating system, which has been totally wiped out in North America, and Dennis put it on customers’ homes for free, in the most brilliant and benevolent business strategy that I ever heard of.
If our operation had not been wiped out in Ventura, we would all live in the Fifth Epoch today and the world would have ended as we knew it. But it was not to be. A few months after I became Dennis’s partner, the global elite approached us repeatedly. The first time was when they made the friendly buyout offer. I would have been an instant millionaire, but that was not our goal. Then Dennis began getting encouraging phone calls in the night from the so-called “White Hat” faction.
We were so ignorant back then that we did not even know that there was a free-energy field or that we were only part of a long line of inventors and entrepreneurs who had been thwarted for generations. When I saw those emissaries of the global elite come into our office to make their friendly buyout offer, I had no idea what was happening. Dennis did not tell me about the CIA’s billion-dollar offer to fold our operation – I read it in his book nearly a decade later.
When people play at the level where the global elite get involved, their lives becomes insanely risky. Brian O’Leary’s life was shortened because he co-hosted a UFO conference. Former astronauts who stage UFO conferences definitely draw the attention of the global elite. It seems that JFK was murdered over the ET issue, which did not surprise me. The closest that Brian came to publicly discussing that life-shortening event was in his last book. Dennis should be dead dozens of times over. He is the Indiana Jones of the free-energy field.
When Dennis finally wore me down and I rejoined him again briefly in 1996-1997, we were subjected to an elaborate sting operation and I nearly went to prison (or worse) for my trouble. Even then, I had little awareness of the global elite or what we had gotten tangled in. It was only when I heard Tom Bearden speak of it, after trading notes with Brian, and after hearing Steven Green talk about his interactions with the global elite, that I began to really understand what had happened. Greer discussed the tactics of organized suppression in his latest movie, and I had lived through most of them. Also, before I left my home town of Ventura, never to return, I first heard of a free-energy inventor with the goods, Sparky Sweet. Brian knew him, and in our epic note-trading session, I heard of Sparky’s grim end. A few years after I heard about Sparky, a close friend was kidnapped by White-Hats and given an underground exotic technology show, which included free-energy and antigravity technologies. Some of the craziest conspiracy theories about these issues are at least partly true.
People will not encounter the global elite unless they engage in activities like what Dennis, Brian, and Greer did. Mormons stole both our Seattle and Ventura companies, but I was not sure that they were connected until I heard Greer say said that the Mormon Financial Empire was the current ringleader of the global elite. Dennis called those shadowy interests the “Big Boys,” Greer called them Godzilla, and I call them the Global Controllers. My life was ruined by those people, and they have not forgotten about me. I have assumed that I have been under surveillance since the 1980s, but they only listen, as far as I know. I had my own “skeptical” stalker for years, who finally folded his tents when Dennis was banned from the energy industry in the USA.
The man whose advice helped me spring Dennis from jail knew three weeks after the JFK hit that Oswald did not do it. In my many years of study since those unbelievable events, my sense is that the global elite began their rise with Europe’s conquest of the world and they have had centuries to hone their craft. The sitting American president is far down the hierarchy of power on Earth. I believe that the American presidency was permanently demoted with JFK’s murder and that all American presidents since him were puppets and knew it. What I call retail politics is all for show. None of the important decisions on Earth are made by politicians.
Today’s retail elite, such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk, are seen by the global elite as boys with their toys. Retail elites with much awareness must realize how relatively powerless they are, and some of them may be in on it as junior members.
I have written about the global elite at Substack a bit (1, 2, 3), but they are not my focus. Strangely, the left denies that those elites even exist while right-wing conspiracists are obsessed with them, often at a tabloid-level of understanding, for a strange schism in political-economic thought. Neither pole has reached productive understandings of the issues. I have had to ban conspiracists at Substack, and likely not for the last time. No conspiracist that I ever heard of was important enough to get the treatment that Dennis, Brian, and Greer did. The global elite are not threatened by hyperventilating conspiracists, such as QAnon enthusiasts.
The global elite are real, the public has never heard their names, and they rule the world today. They do not need to micromanage things. Just keep disruptive technologies out of the public’s hands and the rest kind of takes care of itself, as humanity is its own worst enemy.
As I work my way through various conspiratorial topics, I’ll refer to the global elite periodically. For most of the topics that I will cover, I doubt that the global elite have been involved.